In addition to our services as a general planner, we also offer purely architectural services for existing properties in accordance with HOAI (fee schedule for architects and engineers in Germany) in all service phases as well as studies, consulting and controlling services of all kinds.
Our architecture team not only manages complex revitalisation and renovation projects of entire buildings, for many years we have also supervised renovation measures (including capital expenditures) and assumed responsibility for the planning and implementation of specific building elements, such as façades, roofs and other structural components. Our clients also take advantage of our experience as consultants and indispensable problem solvers.
We take a close look
The basis of a successful revitalisation/renovation project is an in-depth analysis of the deficits and potentials as part of an inspection. We inspect the legal aspects of construction, such as fire protection and historic preservation, and coordinate the relevant requirements with the client’s needs.
- Inspection
- Assessment
- Requirements
- Task assignments
The results of our analyses allow us to derive concepts that present a range of options for the client to choose from before plans are implemented. Our team of architects and civil engineers are not only planners, but also consultants thanks to many years of experience with revitalisation and renovation projects. Depending on the task, the planning service can range from relatively simple to highly detailed.
- Services
- Coordination
- Consulting
Because our planners also supervise implementation, they always take subsequent interfaces into account during the tendering and awarding process. Excellent knowledge of the market helps us choose dependable companies to implement the tasks, and in addition to providing transparent quality, scheduling and cost controlling we are also able to react quickly to changes and other challenges during construction on existing properties.
- Quality controlling
- Schedule controlling
- Cost controlling
- Market knowledge
One contact person throughout all the phases – clients and the parties involved in the project all benefit from this. The processes remain transparent and in addition to successful execution, staying on schedule and keeping within the agreed-upon budget, this facilitates an orderly completion of the project with seamless documentation upon handover.
- One contact person
- Reliable scheduling
- Documentation
- Project completion
Your contact person
Would you like to know more? I would be happy to answer all of your questions about revitalisation/renovation architecture and about your individual project.

Related projects
We work not only as general planners, but also as architects to provide purely architectural and civil engineering services for complex, high-value tenant improvements.
We take a close look
The prerequisite for a successful tenant improvement project is working together early on to clarify all the requirements and the tenant’s requests. Ideally, this is based on an in-depth tenant study that we have prepared. However, preliminary planning carried out by the tenants is also examined by our interdisciplinary team, evaluated and further developed in line with the office environments of the future.
- Inspection
- Assessment
- Requirements
- Task assignments
Our architecture team sees itself not only as planners, but also as consultants that coordinate all aspects of the tenant’s requirements. Depending on the task, the planning services can be provided as phantom planning or for a specific tenant.
- Coordination
- Consulting
Because our planners also supervise the implementation, they always take subsequent interfaces into account during the tendering and awarding process. Excellent knowledge of the market helps us choose dependable companies to implement the tasks, and in addition to providing transparent quality, scheduling and cost controlling, we are also able to react quickly to changes, special tenant requests and other challenges during construction on existing properties.
- Quality controlling
- Schedule controlling
- Cost controlling
- Market knowledge
One contact person throughout all the phases – tenants and clients all benefit from this. The processes remain transparent and in addition to successful execution, staying on schedule and keeping within the agreed-upon budget, this facilitates an orderly completion of the project with seamless documentation upon handover.
- One contact person
- Reliable scheduling
- Documentation
- Project completion
Your contact person
Would you like to know more? I would be happy to answer all of your questions about tenant improvement architecture and about your individual project.

Related projects
For us, a detailed assessment of the fundamentals is the basis for every task. The more precise the analysis, the better the potentials and deficits of the project can be identified. Therefore, we developed the building scan to a separate service based on our exacting expectations.
- Over 80% of all buildings are not operated as they were planned to operate.
- Investments are often situational and disassociated.
- This results in unnecessary costs and duplications.
- The utility costs increase.
- This results in tenant complaints.
- Profits shrink, often associated with preventable damage to the building.
- Buildings become less attractive.
Asking questions, going into depth, finding solutions – these are what drives us. We inspect each building for all the trades, from the lightning rods to the foundations. The amount of detail we go into is decided by the client, and we also carry out measurements and special inspections when needed. Because energy-saving potentials, energy optimisation and energy efficiency can only be systematically inspected with the cooperation of all the trade disciplines and components, we recommend our comprehensive building scan. And here again: one contact partner and the close interlinking of architecture and technical building services.
You can only make meaningful decisions at the right time if you understand the precise correlations. Our building scan brings to light the deciding issues and solutions. Our clients receive in-depth analyses, a mind map for the building and the systems technology as well as specific recommendations for action in an optimised sequence. And on top of that come the cost estimates for all the issues in the coming years. Making investments at the right time can prevent unnecessary costs.
Your contact person
Would you like to know more? I would be happy to answer all of your questions about building scans and about your individual project.