Everything you always wanted to know about our new design and our new website
Why would corpo two need a new design and a new website?
Because such a dynamic company with a diverse team and now 45 employees also needs a fresh, professional website. And after 20 years, of course you can treat yourself to something new.
Is it true that you worked on it for a whole year?
We actually started exactly a year ago during our office meeting in Hamburg. In working groups, we came up with specific requirements for a new corporate design and website. That way we could start a competition with a clear vision. The results from the three agencies were very different. The winner was Realgestalt, and after an interruption caused by the pandemic, we finally got started at the end of June, in parallel with our day-to-day projects.
The self-analysis and reflections on internal processes and work methods were really full of insights and inspiring, exactly like explaining to someone on the outside what we do and how and why we do it.

Why does the logo still look the same as before?
Because it suits us and it works! But if you really look closely, you will see that some of the details have been optimised. The differences are subtle, but our symbol is now more harmonious and clearer, making it stronger.
How did you convince your colleagues to let themselves be photographed and filmed?
Most of them did not need too much convincing, because the old pictures were simply not up to date. The professional photo shoots with our photographer Manuel Gutjahr were fun for everyone at all the locations and branches.
And who did all of that?
- corpo two intern Maja Hehlke and Yann Hervé, with support from the Relaunch CD working group, which represented all the branches and divisions as well as various extra tasks such as quotes, suggestions for the motto and more from all the employees.
- Especially during the start phase (pitch, etc.), with advice from Silke Marquardt, who is responsible for company communication and marketing at WITTE Projektmanagement.
- At the same time, we were supported by external specialists throughout the whole process:
- The whole team from Realgestalt (agency for corporate design and branding) excited us with their very creative style, their professional methodology and consulting, and their great passion and patience.
- Ape Unit (website development and programming) and the team there worked in perfect harmony with Realgestalt and above all implemented our ideas while looking over each other’s shoulders.
- Manuel Gutjahr, our photographer, was always happy and relaxed when taking pictures of our team and our projects and coordinated closely with Realgestalt to achieve the best results for the website.
It was a very successful, collaborative process, in which everyone pitched in enthusiastically.

Could you please explain the new motto?
“Architecture and technical building services from one source” became “Architecture & Technical Building Services Hand in Hand”. “Hand in hand” better expresses the fact that we have professionals with different areas of expertise working closely together. We also feel this formulation is more emotional and more personal.
The process of arriving at this seemingly small change was not as short as you might think. With 15 new suggestions, many of which came from our colleagues, we were spoilt for choice. Realgestalt helped us evaluate them independently of our individual preferences and tastes and make an objective choice. Precisely because we gave ourselves so much time, we are now sure that we have chosen a strong, relevant, distinctive motto that we can work with for a long time.
Briefly describe your new website
The design reflects our dynamism and versatility. Nonetheless, the overall impression is warm, approachable and personal – just like us. The variety of information has a clear structure. Our company finally looks as innovative and fresh as we feel.
What does the website mean for you?
Everyone participated in the process, which you can feel. This was not declared from the top down; it emerged from among us. We think that when someone comes to our website, they will get a pretty clear picture of how we operate and what we can do.
And with the quick application tool, the website provides the fastest application process in the world.
By the way
Our company is now called corpo two GmbH (not “corpo two Management GmbH”). This is shorter and clearer, because the term “management” is no longer one of our services and does not apply to our company anymore. And with “c2”, we are introducing a new abbreviation to replace the previous one, “ctm”.
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